Visitor Reports

Step 1: Go to the menu bar, click on Reports you will see a dropdown (as shown in screen 4.1.1).

Step 2: Click on Visitor Reports, a new screen will open (as shown in screen 4.1.2).

Visitor reports
Screen 4.1.1: Reports Dropdown
visitor reports page
Screen 4.1.2: Visitor Reports Page

Step 3: Admin can select one of three options the page will ask for SQL credentials as shown in screen 4.1.3.

SQL Credentials
Screen 4.1.3: SQL Credentials

Step 4: Fill the Following Details.

  1. User Name: Fill the user’s name SQL service.
  2. Password: Password of SQL service.
  3. Click on Logon the reports Page will show as in screen 4.2.4.
Visitor report
Screen 4.1.4: Visitor Reports

Step 5: Visitor Reports can be filtered down based on following fields as shown in screen 4.1.4.

*Note: RED colour for Mandatory fields.

report type dropdown
Screen 4.1.5: Report type Dropdown
    1. Report Type: Report type filter to get specific reports as shown in screen 4.1.5.
    2. Reports can be filtered based on Report Type, Visit Type, Purpose of Visit, Department as shown in screen 4.1.4.
    3. Also Today reports, Last 7 Days, Periodic Reports can be used to further filter as shown in screen 4.1.6.
Screen 4.1.6: Options.

Security Team Stats

Step 1: Go to the admin dashboard, click on Reports you will see a dropdown (as shown in screen 4.2.1).

Step 2: Click on Security Team Stats, a new screen will open (as shown in screen 4.2.1).

Reports dropdown
Screen 4.2.1: Reports Dropdown
Security Team Stats Page
Screen 4.2.2: Security Team Stats Page

Step 3: Admin can select one of three options the page will ask for SQL credentials as shown in screen 4.2.3.

SQL Credentials
Screen 4.2.3: SQL Credentials

Step 4: Fill the Following Details.

  1. User Name: Fill the user’s name SQL service.
  2. Password: Password of SQL service.
  3. Click on Logon the reports Page will show as in screen 4.2.4.
Security Team Stats Reports
Screen 4.2.4: Security Team Stats Reports

Step 5: Security Team Stats Reports can be filtered down based on following fields as shown in screen 4.2.4.

*Note: RED colour for Mandatory fields.

Team security dropdown
Screen 4.2.5: Team Security Dropdown
  1. Team Security: Filter to see Stats of Specific Staff as shown in screen 4.2.5.
Report type dropdown
Screen 4.2.6: Report Type Dropdown

2. Report Type: Report type filter to get specific reports as shown in 4.2.6.

3. Reports can be filtered based on Start & End Date, Team security, Report Type, Visit Type, Purpose of Visit, Department.

4. Also Today reports, Last 7 Days, Periodic Reports can be used to further filter.

Screen 4.1.6: Options.
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