Visitor Reports
Step 1: Go to the menu bar, click on Reports you will see a dropdown (as shown in screen 4.1.1).
Step 2: Click on Visitor Reports, a new screen will open (as shown in screen 4.1.2).
Step 3: Admin can select one of three options the page will ask for SQL credentials as shown in screen 4.1.3.
Step 4: Fill the Following Details.
- User Name: Fill the user’s name SQL service.
- Password: Password of SQL service.
- Click on Logon the reports Page will show as in screen 4.2.4.
Step 5: Visitor Reports can be filtered down based on following fields as shown in screen 4.1.4.
*Note: RED colour for Mandatory fields.
- Report Type: Report type filter to get specific reports as shown in screen 4.1.5.
- Reports can be filtered based on Report Type, Visit Type, Purpose of Visit, Department as shown in screen 4.1.4.
- Also Today reports, Last 7 Days, Periodic Reports can be used to further filter as shown in screen 4.1.6.
Security Team Stats
Step 1: Go to the admin dashboard, click on Reports you will see a dropdown (as shown in screen 4.2.1).
Step 2: Click on Security Team Stats, a new screen will open (as shown in screen 4.2.1).
Step 3: Admin can select one of three options the page will ask for SQL credentials as shown in screen 4.2.3.
Step 4: Fill the Following Details.
- User Name: Fill the user’s name SQL service.
- Password: Password of SQL service.
- Click on Logon the reports Page will show as in screen 4.2.4.
Step 5: Security Team Stats Reports can be filtered down based on following fields as shown in screen 4.2.4.
*Note: RED colour for Mandatory fields.
- Team Security: Filter to see Stats of Specific Staff as shown in screen 4.2.5.
2. Report Type: Report type filter to get specific reports as shown in 4.2.6.
3. Reports can be filtered based on Start & End Date, Team security, Report Type, Visit Type, Purpose of Visit, Department.
4. Also Today reports, Last 7 Days, Periodic Reports can be used to further filter.